FMW has a long history of providing survey services for the development
of land. As with the ownership of the firm, land development by our firm and our predecessors can be traced back over 100 years when some of the older sections of the City of Ottawa were developed. Later on, subdivisions in such areas as Copeland Park, Rothwell Heights and Carlingwood were laid out.

Data Infrastructure Mapping
  • Compilation of existing hard copy, as-built engineering information
  • Field locate, collection and verification of hardware and utility plants
  • Ground Control and Grid Coordinate Registration to facilitate tiling or seamless mapping
  • Preparation of multi-layer digital maps of above and below surface infrastructure
Data Collection & Analysis
  • Transportation, Utility and Government Agency research including Land Registry Office records
  • Ground Control and Grid Coordinate Registration to facilitate tiling or seamless mapping
  • Property parcel mapping by table digitizing
  • Parcel mapping by coordinate geometry data entry from survey records
  • Preparation of multi-layer digital maps of Land Ownership Interests User Needs Analysis
  • Data Collection
  • Data Conversion
  • Database Design & Administration
  • Title Searching


